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Public Shaken After Local Mural Vandalized by Heartless Terrorists

CHALET - A beautiful piece of art that the entire community can participate in was painted on Queen St. E, across the street from Swiss Chalet Feb. 16th. The mural reads ,‘What do you love about the Beach?’ charming any local passerby to write their own personal answer.

Some of the answers include, “DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS”, “My girlfriend”, and “This beautiful planet”.

A resident living in the building above Swiss Chalet, Roberta Mayfair, spoke to reporters. “It was such a blessing to wake up every morning to see how the mural has grown and matured.” Earlier this week, the self-proclaimed ‘most prestigious art dealer in Toronto, Marco Dé'linguini, commented on the piece saying, “I really feel it expresses a profound, emotional and empathetic transparency, capable of transcending the human ego”.

It wasn’t until Thursday night that unknown assailants terrorized the beach community by vandalizing the mural with a distasteful and graphic depiction of the male genitalia (pictured below).

Outrage ensued the incident. An emergency community meeting has already been held at the Balmy Beach Club to discuss the matter. Many speculation have been made as to the identities of the assailants including high school kids, Mexicans, drug addicts, and even aliens. However, the general consensus is that ISIS has infiltrated the community and may be planning a string of attacks across the city.

Mary Margret, the mediator of the Balmy Beach Club meetings concludes, “this mindless act of destruction to our humanity and democracy can only be characterized by one group of inhuman militant radicals – ISIS”, comparing the incident to that of the Mosul Museum in Iraq, where ISIS militants destroyed and raided many priceless works of art.

At this time, no arrests have been made. Mayoral hopeful candidate Doug Ford has urged citizens to stay inside their homes “until we can figure out what the hell is going on here!”

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