Area Woman Questions Entire Existence After Realizing She Doesn't Mind New Condos
SWANWICK - Cupping her now gaping mouth, wide-eyed Kendra Powell began questioning her entire existence after admitting she didn't mind the new condos at last night's book club.
"The one by the LCBO actually looks pretty good," she shrugged, moments before realizing the full implications of her statement. A Pickle staffer was able to transcribe some of her ramblings before she inevitably overwhelmed herself unconscious. "But if I actually like the condos now, what else might I have been wrong about?" said Powell, beginning to question every fundamental belief she holds true to herself. "Do I actually like Jet's TO? Am I a cat person?! Are we alone in the universe?!?!" The 53 year old went on to confirm that Dip & Sip was infact a crumbling disaster and not the iconic landmark she had so proudly advocated for in the past. "Woah", Powell whispered, sinking deeper into the sofa as the book club she was a part of continued discussing Margret Atwood's Stone Mattress, but mostly what their children were up to. "Is it Beach or Beaches," she was able to muster, right before her eyes rolled backward and she blacked out.