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Water Treatment Plant to Finish Construction Ahead of Schedule, May 2050

“We are proud to announce the finalized completion date of the R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant,” boasted Toronto Public Works commissioner Phillip Holloway, now pausing for effect “...May, 2050!” The packed crowd at City Hall roared with applause, members of the audience congratulated each other with high-fives, hugs - and in several instances - tears of happiness.

Though the original designer has since passed away - leaving behind grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the Palace of Purification may yet see realization in the next few decades, hopefully before the turn of the century.

The prominent Beaches landmark, which has been under construction since its inception in 1932, has been featured in numerous films, such as Dave Chappelle’s Half Baked (pictured above). Unfortunately, not even movie screen time has been enough to hasten the construction in the past. Beachers are thankful the projects conclusion is drawing near.

“Its just a relief knowing the building will be completed ahead of schedule” said Ethel Harisson, 90, who has watched the building progress over time, but is still waiting on its completion. “Although I wont be around to see it, I’m confident that one day it will actually be finished."

Lets hope the City of Toronto is able to honour Ethel and her dream.

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